Thursday, November 4, 2010


We are leaving in just a few weeks and it still seems very surreal. Daphne, on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay,has been our home for six and a half years. We have absolutely loved it here. The area is beautiful, we have been blessed with wonderful friends along the way and have treasured living near my brother, sis-in-law, and three nephews.

Difficulty has lived here as well. There has been job loss, broken bones, educational upheaval and some excrutiatingly painful lessons learned. But there has been much joy, much laughter, and many prayers answered with "Yes," "No," "Maybe," or "I'll get back to you on that."

So a new season begins. Last Sunday, I attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration of my Aunt and Uncle. It was such a sweet time. While there, I watched a video slide presentation with scenes from their 50 years of marriage. Seeing as how I have been alive for 41 of those years, I and my family, parents, brother, were in more than a few. As I watched that slide show I was absolutely overcome with how quickly the seasons of our lives can change. There were pictures of my Grandparents, and my Dad who died in April of this year. There were pictures of my babies when they were small. I watched as much as I could--- attempting to breathe through the river of tears that flooded me. Then I all but ran to the bathroom and literally wailed in grief. My sweet cousin by marriage gave me about 45 seconds and then knocked on the door. She hugged me tight, and let me cry on her shoulder. Then she let me ramble for a few minutes. I put down the lid of the toilet and sat down to breathe normally again. Someone knocked on the door and I automatically said,"Come in." Imagine the surprise on the face of the young man,(brother to another cousin by marriage) when I calmly invited him in as I sat on the toilet. (Remember the lid was closed, and I was fully clothed.) He very nearly fell backwards in his attempt to escape the crazy relative who had invited him into the bathroom while still sitting on the toilet. My sweet girlfriend/cousin who was still in there and I almost collapsed in a fit of laughter. Amazing how quickly emotions can shift.

Blessedly, the seasons of our lives are around a little longer than that. For now,I have had about as much "season shift" as I can take. The positive side to this is that it is teaching me to treasure each day, the people who are a part of it, and the God who is with me through it all. And as much as I will miss this particular season, I am looking forward to the new relationships and the renewed old ones of moving back to the general area from whence I came.

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